New Report Reveals Faster Payments as Key Driver of Financial Inclusion


New Report Reveals Faster Payments as Key Driver of Financial Inclusion

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Faster Payments Council has just unveiled a white paper that delves into the pivotal role faster payments can play in driving financial inclusion worldwide. This comprehensive report, based on a survey of experts from 30 countries across six continents, offers a global perspective on the challenges and opportunities surrounding faster payments and financial inclusion.

Key Findings and Insights

  1. Improved Access to Financial Services
    • Faster payments have the potential to help the unbanked and underbanked gain access to affordable financial products and services.
    • Real-time payments enable seamless digital transactions, promoting financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
  2. Critical Enablers for Success
    • Robust digital infrastructure and supportive regulatory frameworks are identified as crucial enablers for successful implementation.
    • Public-private collaboration and consumer education are also highlighted as key success factors.
  3. Digital Transformation and Adoption
    • Faster payments can accelerate the adoption of digital financial services, especially in underserved communities.
    • This can lead to increased financial literacy and overall financial inclusion.
  4. Notable Statistics
    • Among banked households, 32.3% had used a P2P app, while for unbanked households, it was only 8.8%.
    • Mobile payment apps accounted for just 2-6% of payments across income levels, rising to 6% for households with incomes over $150,000.
    • Countries with a fast payment system have higher levels of access to credit from financial institutions.
    • 86% of businesses and 74% of consumers said they used faster or instant payments in 2023.
    • 55% of businesses indicate faster payments would be beneficial for paying bills.

The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities surrounding faster payments and financial inclusion, providing actionable insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and industry stakeholders.

Download the full report. 


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